General Market Lineups

Some communities have the option to choose their TV package and commitment term. In this instance, offers, channels and pricing may vary based on service eligibility and are subject to change. If you pay for your full monthly fee for TV service directly to DIRECTV, follow the channel lineups and information listed below.

Package pricing varies based on commitment term. For 12-month and month-to-month commitment terms, every receiver on the account has a leased receiver fee of $7. Premium equipment (HD-DVR, Genie HD-DVR) will have an additional $15/mo. fee as well as the $7/mo leased receiver fee. (Ex. Two HD's + one HD-DVR - $36/mo.)

For the 24-month commitment term, a $7/mo. fee applies for the second and each additional receiver and/or Genie Mini on the account. Premium equipment (HD-DVR, Genie HD-DVR) will have an additional $15/mo. fee as well as the $7/mo. for any receiver beyond one.

For additional questions regarding package pricing and equipment, call our office at (517) 203-3096.

Select Entertainment Choice Xtra Ultimate Premier

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